10 incredible moments to experience on your Maldives trip

Water villas in the Maldives, Constance Halaveli

Picture this. Deep turquoise waters as far as your eyes can see. The sky is impossibly blue and the sun is high. You take a walk on the beach and notice a shoal of fish swim by. Refreshing cool waters greet you as you dip your toes in. You take a dip in the blue waters to cool down and then come back to your beach towel to soak off and have a drink. And think, could this be paradise?

Luckily, this is a paradise you can travel to. The Maldives is an island country in the Indian Ocean. And if a beach getaway is something you are planning or dreaming of, the Maldives should be on your radar! If you don’t quite know what to expect there, read on to learn about the 10 most incredible moments to experience on your Maldives trip.

Where are the Maldives located?

The Maldives is a South Asian island country in the Indian Ocean. It is located south of India and southwest of Sri Lanka. The Maldives is an archipelago that is comprised of about 1200 islands and only some of them are occupied. 

The Maldivian islands are comprised of a series of atolls that were leftover from an ancient volcanic mountain range. When the volcanoes erupted, these mountains collapsed within themselves leaving behind a ring of low-lying islands. These islands are generally less than 6 feet above sea level (hence, water villas on stilts could be constructed). The atolls boast beautiful sandy beaches, lagoons, coconut palms, and thriving coral reefs and marine life.

The most incredible moments to experience in the Maldives

1. Views for days

Phew… I mean, the views are indescribable. No matter how well I could possibly articulate, I know I will fall short. Just look at the pictures below!

Sunset in the Maldives, incredible moments from the Maldives
An incredibly beautiful sunset such as this one is an everyday affair in the Maldives
Sunset on the beach in the Maldives
I could stay here for months (ok, maybe not months at a stretch, but definitely weeks)

2. Extreme relaxation

Do you know those vacations after which you come home and still feel like you need another vacation? Well, I can happily say that the Maldives will not be such a vacation! Not only will you be utterly, utterly relaxed while sipping on your tropical drink, and looking out to the blue waters every single day of your vacation, you will also be pampering yourself with unbelievable food, plus spa treatments. Trust me when I say that you will rarely be as relaxed in your life as you would during your Maldives vacay.

Drinks in the Maldives
This view? Yes, please!

3. Water activities

Easily one of the best experiences of any tropical destination is the sheer number of water activity options in front of you! Even water-averse people will find something to their liking. I am no mermaid, and more like a barely-able-to-keep-myself-alive type of swimmer. So, my favorite water activity was snorkeling. Very little swimming experience is needed, and you get to see loads of things? Count me in!

Are you a beginner swimmer? Check out my first-time snorkeling tips article for tips and tricks on how to best prepare for your snorkeling experience.

Now, most hotels will offer a host of activities such as diving (can be expensive), jet skiing, paddle boating, water skiing, parasailing, paddleboarding, kayaking, and even flyboard flying! For non-swimmers, try paddle boating. Since you are making your way all the way to the Maldives, give at least one of these a try. Trust me, it’s a lot of fun!

Snokeling trip from traditional Maldivian boat, water activities in the Maldives
We went on a group snorkeling trip with a skilled guide on a colorful traditional Maldivian boat (called "dhoni")!

The only downside is getting salty hair from spending too much time in the water. Make sure to always rinse your hair and skin (preferably with shampoo and soap) after a dip in the ocean to nourish those luscious locks!

4. Incredible seafood and world-class dining

Sinfully delicious seafood awaits you in the Maldives. There are a ton of freshly caught and prepared seafood dishes that you can sample at your hotel restaurant. On top of that, they cook it for you in many different varieties – grilled, barbequed, seared, in a curry – aka pure deliciousness. In fact, I may have had seafood in every single meal there!

However, if you’re not a fan of seafood, don’t worry. There is still world-class dining awaiting you. In fact, every meal is unbelievably yummy.

Maldivian lobster, yummy food in the Maldives
Maldivian lobster. Need I say more?

Since the Maldives is a Muslim country, your hotel may not serve any pork dishes. Even if they do, the options may be limited. Outside the hotel islands, pork and pork products are prohibited.

5. Seaplane transfer

Alright, this was one of the most exciting parts of our journey to the Maldives. Or at least it was for me! The seaplane we took was a small 14-seater that picked us up from the Male international airport. Our luggage was stacked up towards the back of the plane.

Tip: Make sure to grab a window seat!

The experience was surreal. First, the seaplane was waiting for the passengers floating on the waters. Once we all boarded, the plane sailed from the pickup stop to open waters. During this time, the floats and rudders helped propel the plane. Once we reached the open waters, the float receded and the plane was airborne. This was totally one of the most incredible moments we experienced on our Maldives trip! It is a bit difficult to explain, so hopefully, the pics below are helpful 😛

Seaplane View, flying from Male to the hotel island, incredible moments to experience in the Maldives
You can see the entire island from the seaplane

It gets really hot inside the plane as you wait for all the passengers and crew to board. Just know that once the engines start, they turn on the air circulation and it gets a little better!

6. Private dinner under the stars with waves as music

Generally, hotels will offer a myriad of services such as a private dinner on the beach or one with your personal chef. While I was looking up hotels for our trip, most hotels had an option to book a special experience with a loved one. Before you book, take a look at all the experiences that your hotel offers, and be prepared to have an amazing, once-in-a-lifetime dinner under the stars with the sound of waves lapping beside you. 

Our hotel even had an option to have a special tent set up for an extra special dinner with your private chef, sommelier, and music. They hinted that it was the perfect experience to pop the question!

Sunset at Maldives, beautiful moments to experience in the Maldives
How wonderfully beautiful is a sunset on a beach?

7. View sea life from your villa

One of the coolest moments to experience on your Maldives trip is getting to see sea life right from your villa. Now, this will depend on the hotel and island you pick and whether the place has a thriving reef to support sea life. (BTW this is why picking the right hotel is so important). But chances are, you will get to experience a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

We got super, super lucky, and got to see dolphins from our balcony. Fancy that! Plus, there were a couple of stingrays that would hang out near the villas every day. They weren’t scary or anything though, they would just swim around right above the seabed. And as long as you give them a wide berth, nothing to worry about.

In addition, there were a bunch of reef sharks (again, harmless) and cool little blue fishes that would jump out of the water in droves at a time bringing and attracting birds as well. I don’t know what they are called, but can we name them ‘Jumping fish’?

Sting ray in the Maldives, viewing marine life from the water villa
This feisty little guy would hang out next to the water villas everyday

8. Complete seclusion

This is something for couples and particularly, honeymooners. If you are craving quietness and seclusion, go for a water villa. Notify the hotel in advance of your request for a villa further in the lagoon (far from land) since the further you go, the less number of people you’ll meet.

From our experience, there were a couple of days we stayed in our villa just chilling and really enjoyed being by ourselves with the ocean for company. Add to that the fact that we could order room service, it made for perfect days.

Plunge pool in the Maldives, incredible moments to experience in the Maldives
How many shades of blue do you see in this incredible view?

9. Jump into the ocean directly from your villa

Opt for a water villa and you will get to experience this unbelievable moment! A water villa allows direct access to the lagoons of the island, and will likely have steps descending into the water. Have I mentioned paradise yet?

Also, if you’re lucky (and have done your research) your hotel’s island lagoons could have lush, thriving coral reef forests. And reefs mean tons and tons of colorful fish just steps from your villa! We stayed at the Constance Halaveli and the brightly colored corals and fish we saw were unbelievable!

Water villa deck with pool, Maldives (incredible moments to experience in the Maldives)
We spent every day jumping into the lagoon waters directly from our water villa!

10. Unbelievable photo ops

Have you seen unbelievably gorgeous IG photos and videos and thought – wow, I must need expensive gear and the perfect lighting to get this type of results? Well, luckily you’re wrong! In the Maldives, everyone is a photographer and a model.

Of course, lighting is important, but know that anything you photograph or film will be absolutely bonkers beautiful. Like you’ll-think-you’re-in-a-paradise beautiful. You’ve already seen the photos so you know!

Not to mention that you will get a gorgeous tan. Strike a pose, flaunt that skin, and click away!

Gorgeous views from Maldives water villa, incredible moments to experience in Maldives
Incredible photo ops everywhere, amirite?

11. Bonus: Visit a private sandbar

If you want to go a little extra on your vacation, book a day trip to a private sandbar for you and your loved one. You will have a beach completely to yourself and can spend the day hanging out, snorkeling, or just swimming around the sandbar. Some hotels will offer also offer a packed lunch for you to enjoy complete privacy. The only downside is that this will be quite expensive.

Packing List for the Maldives

Packing for the Maldives can be tricky. While you want to be comfortable and sun-ready with your summer clothes, you also need IG-worthy clothing and water gear. Here is a shortlist of what you should pack for the Maldives.


  1. Swimsuit – Obviously 😉
  2. Flowy dresses – Preferably in breathable materials like cotton and linen
  3. Shorts (for women and men) – It is hot in the Maldives. However, if you are going out of the airport in Male, make sure to dress conservatively.

Beach vacation essentials

  1. Reef safe sunscreen – Always wear reef-safe sunscreen at places where you go snorkeling or diving. This is to protect marine life. Regular sunscreen contains harmful chemicals that kill coral reefs. This leads to a reduction in fish and other animals that live and sustain on these reefs.
  2. Gear for water activities, such as flippers and snorkeling masks – The snorkeling mask is a nice-to-have for a good fit for your face. I would highly recommend bringing it with you, especially if you are a newbie snorkeler.
  3. Sunglasses 
  4. Sun hat – For protection against the sun and super awesome photos!
  5. Flip flops – A must for any beach vacay
  6. Go Pro – For those super awesome underwater shots.
  7. Lip balm with SPF
  8. Moisturizer – Some hotels may provide it, but carry some with you nonetheless. Note that your skin will be parched from the salty waters and strong sun.

Check out my complete Maldives packing list along with a free printable checklist you can use for your travel planning here.

You might be tempted to take your drone but bear in mind that most places do not allow a drone on the island. This is to protect the privacy of their guests.

Entertainment and other knickknacks

  1. Hair tie – Super important for people with long hair. Few annoyances equal that of having your hair curls float to your face as you snorkel. You are then stuck constantly pushing them out of your sight range coz you can’t see a dang thing. Ugh. 
  2. Makeup items – Use this checklist for all the items you should have in your carry on bag 
  3. Motion sickness medicine – Many hotels have a speedboat transfer from the Male airport. Our hotel had a seaplane transfer followed by a boat transfer in a traditional Maldivian boat! In between these transfers you can definitely feel the rough ocean waves. I felt better knowing that I had motion sickness meds if things went sideways.
  4. A good book – Always on my travel lists!

How long should you stay in the Maldives?

About 5-7 days is the perfect amount of time to spend in the Maldives. That way, you will get plenty of time to settle down, get your bearings and start your ultimate relaxing vacation. Take your time to enjoy your room or villa. Soak in the pool or go check out the reefs (if your lagoon has any). Then, around days 3-5, you can explore the island, plan some activities and still have some downtime.

Also, I would recommend against changing villas during your stay as it can be a waste of time. When I am on vacation, I like to maximize my time chilling or experiencing something new. Changing hotel rooms in between can be time-consuming. With the difference between check-out and check-in timings of your hotel, you may need to plan the entire day around this. So, best to avoid it and pick a room that best works for your needs.

If you are hopping islands, I would add a day for travel, and at least a couple of days at each island to get the best experience.

Where to stay in the Maldives

If you are visiting the Maldives for a special occasion and it fits your budget, I would recommend staying in a water villa. Even if it’s for a few days. The Maldives offers world-class hotels and if you’ve been waiting to splurge with loved ones for a dream vacation, this is it.

If you are on a budget though, fret not. There are still plenty of hotel options for you to choose from. My biggest tip would be to get a hotel close to the island of male. The further out it is, the more expensive it will get for you to reach the island, after factoring in the seaplane or boat transfer.

Luxury hotel: Soneva Jani, Noonu

Mid-range: Sun Island Resort and Spa, Maamigili

Budget: Beach Star Maldives, Hangnaameedhoo

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So, are you excited about your Maldives trip yet? Me too. In fact, I might be looking up hotels and flight prices for our next trip already! 😉

Let me know in a comment down below if you agree or disagree with these incredible moments to experience on your Maldives trip.

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2 thoughts on “10 incredible moments to experience on your Maldives trip”

  1. Really incredible. Photographs and description are pinpointed and very specific and encouraging too. A good guide for travelers. Well done Situ.

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