Seaworld, San Diego Guide: Best Things To Do [Tips and Tricks]

Dolphin Show at SeaWorld San Diego

SeaWorld is a theme park with a twist. While on the one hand, it is a regular amusement park with rides, roller coasters, and other adventurous activities, the “twist” comes in the form of the presence of marine animals. Here, you can see incredible marine animal shows such as the orca and dolphin shows. In addition, you can learn about and interact with different marine creatures. This Seaworld, San Diego guide will walk you through the best things you should do on your visit, including some helpful tips and tricks!

SeaWorld is also heavily involved in marine life conservation and research work. They have animal rescue and rehabilitation programs to aid injured or orphaned animals. And here, you can learn all about it.

Where is Seaworld?

SeaWorld is located in three cities in the US: San Diego (California), Orlando (Florida), and San Antonio (Texas). This article is based on SeaWorld in San Diego, California.

Are you planning a San Diego trip? You’re in for a treat! Be sure to read my San Diego travel guide on how to cover the entire city in 5 days or less.

History of Seaworld

The first SeaWorld opened in San Diego in 1964. The location in Orlando opened in 1973 and the San Antonio park opened in 1988. Until the late 2010s, all three locations had daily circus performances by orcas. However, due to an incident with an orca killing a trainer in 2010, SeaWorld came under a lot of public scrutiny and ridicule for these shows.

Later, in 2013, a documentary called Blackfish alleged animal abuse by the park, leading to widespread public backlash. This caused audiences to dwindle leading to SeaWorld changing their shows from circus-like performances to educational sessions showcasing orcas’ natural behavior. They also ended their orca breeding program.

Today, SeaWorld sponsors educational programs and provides guided tours for students and visitors. They are also involved in various marine studies.

Tips for SeaWorld, San Diego

Use the following tips to plan your trip to SeaWorld, San Diego.

1. Plan ahead of time

A visit to SeaWorld requires some amount of planning ahead of time. If you are traveling to San Diego and planning a day at SeaWorld, make sure to do so either in the middle of your trip or towards the latter half. This will help you get settled into your destination first before you spend an entire day walking around. Trust me, you will be very tired after you visit SeaWorld.

2. Book tickets online

Related to the point above, you should book your tickets ahead of time on their website. However, note that there will be a processing fee. But, one way to hack the steep prices is to wait for offers that pop up once in a while. Hence, my advice earlier on planning ahead of time. In fact, you can get discounts greater than the processing fees if you look for deals often enough on their website. Just be patient.

Also, check third-party websites such as Groupon for discounted deals. While booking my tickets for San Diego SeaWorld I saw that they had tickets for San Antonio at a significant discount!

3. Double-check your booking location

When booking tickets, make sure to double-check the location, as it can be confusing. This is especially true if you are booking on your mobile device and looking at several different websites for the best deal! I may or may not have accidentally booked San Antonio tickets instead of San Diego ones and called Customer Service in a panic…

4. Avoid peak season and holiday weekends

This one should be obvious but peak season and holiday weekends will be the busiest times at SeaWorld. Do yourself a favor and book for another day. In fact, you can also bet that there won’t be any discounts during these times.

5. Check the timetable for the shows as soon as you enter

In order to make the most of your day at SeaWorld, check out the animal show timings near the entrance to the park. See the photo below for reference. Then, with these timings in mind, plan the the rest of the visit. Work your way around the park and arrive at least a few minutes before the animal show begins.

Animal show sign at SeaWorld
This sign board inside the entrance to SeaWorld listed the timings of the animal shows and other events

6. Download the app

Yes, there’s a SeaWorld app that you can download for easy navigation. We only found out about it when we arrived at the park, but it is a beneficial tool that you should download ahead of time. 

There are also park maps scattered around the park. Take a picture of the map and save it on your phone for an alternate method of navigation.

San Diego SeaWorld map
San Diego SeaWorld Map

7. You will be on your feet the entire time

As with other theme parks, you will spend nearly all of your time on your feet walking around. In addition, you will also be standing a lot, in lines for rides, at restaurants, etc. Be prepared with comfortable walking shoes.

8. Bring plenty of water

You are allowed to bring water to SeaWorld. Bring at least 2 bottles of water per person, especially for a hot day in the park. There are several water stations around the park if you have a refillable bottle.

9. Wait times can get long - do the rides first

The wait times for the rides are long in the latter part of the day. However, in the morning, there are fewer people in the park and hence, less wait time.

10. Do rides on an empty stomach

Another reason for doing the rides early? Empty stomachs. Unless you are a pro at riding roller coasters all day long, you’ll be happier to do them on empty stomachs. Once you are done with all the rides, head over to grab lunch. You can thank me later.

11. Get to the animal shows 30 mins early

As soon as you enter the park, you will have noted the shows and the timings. For the more popular shows (orca and dolphin), try to reach the amphitheater at least 30 minutes before the show starts. They open the enclosures >30 mins in advance, and the best seats go fast. Make sure to avoid sitting in the splash zone if you don’t want to get soaked!

12. You will need to get a locker

When you get on some of the rides, you can’t carry your belongings with you. So, if your entire group goes on a ride at the same time, you will need to put your stuff away. SeaWorld does provide lockers for rent, for a fee. See the prices in the section below.

However, if you are visiting with a group, and one person does not go for the rides, they could hold on to your items. That way, you won’t need to pay extra fees for a locker.

You can rent lockers in SeaWorld

13. Pack a change of clothes and be prepared to get wet

Whether it be at one of the marine animal shows or the rides, there is a high likelihood that you will get wet. Just be prepared for it. During the summer, your clothes will dry off quickly.

However, if wet clothes don’t sound appealing, pack a change of clothes. There are multiple restrooms in the park where you can change.

Cost of visiting SeaWorld

Now, in order to get into SeaWorld, you will need to get the main entrance tickets. However, there are other costs you will need to factor in. The most common expenses are listed in the table below.

Expense Type

Cost (in USD)


Entrance ticket


You should be able to get discounts if you are patient and look for online deals.



$30 is the cheapest parking option. There are more expensive options that let you park closer to the park entrance.


2 per hour

You will need to put your belongings away if everyone in your group wants to go on a ride.


20-25 approx. per person

This includes tax and tips. For children, it will be a bit less (~15)


15-20 approx. per alcoholic drink

10 approx per non-alcoholic drink

This will vary with the type of drink and where you are ordering within the park.



Unless you buy instead of bringing your own bottle and filling up at water stations

Souvenir shop at SeaWorld
There are a number of souvenir shops inside SeaWorld. I ended up buying a magnet from the shop at the arctic enclosure area!

Additional costs

In addition to the costs mentioned above, there are some extra activities you can do in SeaWorld.

  1. Swimming with dolphins
  2. Dining with orcas
  3. Feeding rays

You can find the full list of such activities on the SeaWorld website. We did not choose to do any paid activities as it was our first time there. However, if we go back, we may choose to opt for the dolphin interactive session!

How to reach SeaWorld

Driving to SeaWorld is the easiest and the fastest way. Parking is $30 for general parking, and there are more expensive options to park close to the entrance. However, I would recommend not paying extra for parking as you will not have to walk very far to the entrance. Also, you pay for parking online when booking entrance tickets.

Alternatively, if you don’t have a car, you can take Uber or Lyft. This is particularly helpful if you stay in a hotel close to the park.

Additionally, bus route 9 traverses by SeaWorld which you can catch from the Old Town Transit Center.

When to visit SeaWorld

SeaWorld gets very crowded during the peak summer season and during the holidays. So, my recommendation is to avoid these times. The shoulder months of March through early May and September through November are much better. The prices will be reasonable and the crowds will be comparatively less.

For fewer crowds and even better prices, go from November to early March.

However, if you must go on the water rides, opt for times other than December-February as temperatures are low and it won’t be as fun.

Are you planning your Southern California trip? Be sure to add a couple of days to the fascinating Joshua Tree National Park! Read my travel guide to the park here.

Best things to do in SeaWorld: The main highlights

SeaWorld, San Diego, has so many interesting things to do and watch that you will need to plan out your day to make the most of it. Trust me when I say that you won’t be able to look at everything there unless you stay in the park from opening til close. And even then, that’s gonna be a stretch!

Therefore, to get the best experience in your limited time there, be sure to cover the attractions below. If you have additional time after these, feel free to explore the rest of the park at your own pace.

Orca show

The orca show was hands down the most fascinating thing I’ve watched live in a park! The orca is a strikingly beautiful animal and they are also quite dangerous. They have no natural predators and as such, are at the top of the food chain. Combining that with their striking black-and-white features, they appear formidable. 

But, at SeaWorld, they somehow appear friendly and approachable. Add to that, the educational angle of the show where the audience is taught different behaviors exhibited by orcas in their natural environment, made for a unique experience.

Grab a seat early about 30 minutes before the show starts. Also, avoid the splash zone (first 8-10 rows) if you don’t want to be soaked during the show!

Orcas on platform in SeaWiorld San Diego
The orcas can jump onto a platform as part of their show, which is both terrifying and thrilling

As mentioned earlier, there was an incident with an orca and a trainer in 2010 resulting in the trainer's death in SeaWorld, Florida. This led to an uproar among the masses as these wild animals are not meant to be tamed for human amusement. As a result, SeaWorld changed its show’s messaging to be more educational with an emphasis on conservation and sustainability. So, please note that this type of show won’t appeal to all viewers. I encourage you to do your own research and determine if this is a good fit for you.

Electric Eel

No, I don’t mean the actual eel. There is a ride in SeaWorld called the Electric Eel. And if I were to use one word for it, it would be “electric”. Talk about an apt name!

This ride is probably the most thrilling one and in my books, a must-do. Don’t let the speed scare you, as the rollercoaster ride lasts maybe a minute or two. But be prepared, you will be spun in every angle imaginable, and both forward and backward!

Do this before you eat anything! Also, make sure to place everything in a locker before you jump on the rides.

Electric Eel SeaWorld
The Electric Eel was exhilarating!

Emperor rollercoaster ride

A less intense version than the Electric Eel is the Emperor rollercoaster. If you are traveling with kids, you may want to try this before you jump on the Electric Eel. It is a bit longer with one ride lasting about 3 minutes, but equally enjoyable, and less scary.

Thrill-seekers will find this ride on the more moderate side. As for us, we had a blast on this ride.

The technicians for the Electric Eel ride collected our small belongings such as glasses, phones, keys, etc. before the ride. We collected them afterward. However, for the Emperor ride, the technicians told us to hold on to them in our pockets or hands (?!).  I thought that was a bit weird, so want to let you all know!

Dolphin show

Another must-do at SeaWorld is a dolphin show. Let’s just say that before I went to SeaWorld, I knew that dolphins are super friendly and curious animals. In fact, you may have heard people mention that dolphins are just like dogs, but in the water. Well, after visiting SeaWorld, I can say that they are indeed some of the most friendly and energetic animals I have seen in my life!

The show that they put on was just incredible. Highly energetic, with upbeat music, the somersaulting dolphins won my heart. The audience was clapping and grooving along with the dolphin trainers and the dolphins themselves! 

All in all, you cannot miss this show.

Ride a dolphin

Yup, you can ride a dolphin in SeaWorld! As strange as that may sound, we saw a few people doing this in the Dolphin Enclosure and it genuinely looked like a lot of fun. The dolphin trainers lead a group of people into a pool where there are a couple of user-friendly dolphins hanging out.

They teach you about dolphin behaviors and you can interact and play with them. In fact, you can even give and receive a kiss from a dolphin! Afterward, you ride a dolphin from one end of the pool to another. They also pose with you for photos!

Note that you will have to pay for this experience. To book, visit the SeaWorld website.

See a Walrus floating in water

Alright, this one might be for a niche audience only, but it was so cool to see a giant walrus just chilling in the water! They live in the Arctic corner of the park along with beluga whales (another cool creature!).

We saw one walrus snoozing on an island in the corner. There was another one playing with a toy and checking out his audience. Two others were busy swimming around in the pool.

Walrus floating in water in San Diego SeaWorld
This phot isn't great, but this walrus was just chilling next to us behind the glass and playing with his toy!

Octopus viewing

The octopus arena was another exciting area. These highly intelligent tentacled creatures are located toward the middle of the park. In fact, if you are not paying attention and looking for them, you could miss out.

When we visited them, one octopus was sliding along the glass wall of the aquarium. The display of all of its tentacles with suctions was both fascinating and slightly terrifying.

Octopus SeaWorld looking like Demagorgon
Doesn't this octopus resemble a demogorgon?

Sharks encounter

The shark enclosure in Seaworld houses several different varieties of sharks. You can see the sharks from above into the open waters below. 

Additionally, there is a viewing area where you can see them from below. In this view, you can see them through a glass ceiling. Needless to say, it was amazing to view these scary creatures from below. We even saw a shark’s sharp teeth from mere feet away!

One main highlight was seeing the beautiful Australian leopard shark here.

Sharks enclosure, SeaWorld San Diego guide
See what I meant above?

Touch the rays!

When in SeaWorld, everyone should try to touch a fish! No, you won’t be breaking any rules if you do so. In fact, there are several interactive pools where many different marine creatures live, and visitors are encouraged to touch them (albeit carefully).

I managed to touch two rays just swimming around in the pool. Some kids were also feeding the rays (you can buy feed at that enclosure). It was a very cool experience, as I have newly developed a fascination with rays, thanks to my experience snorkeling with wild manta rays in Hawaii.

Also, there are washing stations nearby where you can wash your hands once you are finished.

Wanna know more about the manta ray snorkeling experience in Hawaii? Read all about it along with my tips here.

Manta Ray encounter at SeaWorld San Diego guide
In case you are wondering, yes, I did touch this ray! It was cool, and a bit slimy!

Sea lion and otter show

Another popular animal show is the sea lion and otter show. While the orca and dolphin shows are unique in being educational and musical (the dolphin dance!), the sea lion and otter show is an absolute laugh riot! The trainers and the animals enact a comedic sketch with educational tidbits added in.

Penguin encounter

Another must-not-miss attraction is the penguin encounter. Kept in a temperature-controlled enclosure, you can see over 100 penguins swim in the pool. They have Emperor, Gentoo, chinstrap, Adélie, macaroni, and king penguins. Also, they are just adorable.

There is a viewing station located at the end of the travelator. You can walk up the steps to a viewing gallery with benches. Here, we spent a few minutes observing the penguins.

Penguins from viewing platform
View of the penguin enclosure from the viewing platform. The glass has condensation beads from the differnce in temperature - the penguins are housed in a cold environment mimicing their natural habitat in the South Pole


Some other honorary mentions that you should check out if you have additional time:

  • Beluga whales
  • Turtles
  • Otters enclosure (adorable!)
  • Sea lions enclosure (they are hilariously loud)
There were 3 beluga whales at SeaWorld

What to wear to SeaWorld

  1. Comfy, fitted clothes (clothes should not be loose, as they can be a hazard on rides)
  2. Comfortable walking shoes (bonus points if they are waterproof)
  3. Sunglasses
  4. Backpack
  5. Sunhat (if it is summer)
  6. Swimsuit (optional, if planning for water rides)

What to pack for SeaWorld

A SeaWorld, San Diego guide would not be complete without a list of packing essentials. So, here is a packing list for your SeaWorld trip.


As the California sun is very strong, do not forget to pack your sunscreen.

Beach wear

If you know that you are going on water rides, wear a swimsuit underneath your regular clothes. That way, you can easily change clothes if you get wet.

An extra set of clothes

Wet clothes can be a bother even if you travel in the summer months. If you have extra room in your bag, carry an extra set of clothes. In particular, pack a set of fresh socks.


Many people like to change to flip-flops after enjoying the water rides.


Same reason as above, if you don’t want to remain wet for a couple of hours, get some towels.


You are allowed to get water from outside into SeaWorld. There are also several water stations within the park to refill your bottle.


You are also allowed to get snacks into the park. Pack some, even if you intend to eat from a restaurant in the park. You never know when you or your kiddo might get hungry.

Stroller or wagon

If you are traveling to SeaWorld with kids, get a stroller or a wagon, You are allowed to bring yours inside the park. You can also rent a stroller/wagon inside the park.

A light jacket

Being a coastal city, San Diego can get cold at night in non-summer months. Pack a light layer in the form of a thin jacket or sweater, and you will be set.

Where to stay while visiting SeaWorld

There are several hotels around SeaWorld, but they can be expensive. For better pricing, look into other parts of San Diego. Additionally, if you are visiting to see the city of San Diego in addition to SeaWorld, you might be better off staying elsewhere. You can easily drive to  SeaWorld for a day. 

Some good areas to consider are Seaport Village, Mission Beach, and Coronado.

Check out my San Diego travel guide and itinerary for a comprehensive guide on where to stay based on budget and accessibility.

SeaWorld, San Diego Guide FAQs

Can you bring snacks into SeaWorld, San Diego?

Yes, you can bring snacks and water inside SeaWorld in San Diego.

Is SeaWorld All Day Dining worth it?

I would not recommend getting an All-Day Dining ticket at SeaWorld. Not only is the food not great, but you also won’t need more than a meal or two. Ok, the food is not bad either, but it’s not what I’d call high-quality food. Thus, it is more economical to just order the dish you want at lunch and/or dinner rather than opting for the bundle.

Can you swim with dolphins at SeaWorld, San Diego?

Yes, SeaWorld, San Diego has a special dolphin activity where you can swim with dolphins, play with them and take photos with them. Just note that you will have to book this experience in addition to your entry tickets. They also sell out fast.

Can I bring my dog to SeaWorld, San Diego?

Pets are not allowed in SeaWorld, San Diego. However, they do provide kennel service if you want to drop off your pet before entering the park.

How far is San Diego Zoo from SeaWorld?

San Diego Zoo is about 9 miles away from SeaWorld. Driving this distance will take you about 12 minutes without any traffic.

Does SeaWorld, San Diego have lockers?

Yes, there are lockers in SeaWorld, San Diego. They are located near the rides. You can rent them for $2 per hour.

Does SeaWorld San Diego have polar bears?

SeaWorld, San Diego does not have a polar bear at this time. The 21-year-old female polar bear, Szenja, passed away in 2017.

Are strollers and wagons allowed at SeaWorld, San Diego?

Yes, strollers and wagons are allowed in SeaWorld, San Diego. You can also rent them in the park.

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While visiting SeaWorld, be sure to explore the beautiful city of San Diego as well. Learn more about where to go and what to do in this San Diego post!

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